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Andrea Segrè

Andrea Segrè was born in Trieste in 1961 He has been working as a lecturer, essayist and agro-economist. He is the founder and president of Last Minute Market, a spin-off of the University of Bologna, the promoter of the European campaign "A year against waste", and creator of the Zero Waste Charter for local authorities and of Waste Watcher, the first National Observatory on household waste. Furthermore, he is the coordinator of the National Plan for the prevention of food waste - PINPAS, established by the Minister of the Environment. He is also president of the Agri-Food Center of Bologna (CAAB), which will be home to the “agri-food theme park” (Italian Farming Factory: FICO-EatalyWorld-Bologna). He is the director of the Department of Agricultural and Food Science and Technology of the University of Bologna where he was Dean of the Department of Agriculture (2005-2012) until it was shut down due to the Gelmini reform of the education system. Since 2000 he has been Professor of International and Compared Agricultural Policy.

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Event Green
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310