A pupil of don Milani, Francesco Gesualdi is the coordinator of the “Centro nuovo modello di sviluppo” (Centre for a new development) in Vecchiano (Pisa), established in 1985, which analyses global imbalances, monitors the behaviour of enterprises and researches new sustainable economic formulas (www.cnms.it).
He wrote the book “Cambiare il sistema. La storia e il pensiero del padre del consumo critico, fondatore del Centro nuovo modello di sviluppo. Un’antologia di scritti recenti e un testo inedito” (Changing the system. The history and thoughts of the father of ethical consumerism, founder of the Centre for a new development. An anthology of recent writings and an unpublished work, published by Altraeconomia), a corpus collecting some of the “classics” of Francesco Gesualdi’s thinking. His vision is clear: it is necessary to completely and thoroughly reorganize the economy and society, because people and future generations are more valuable than the GDP of a nation. His works include the popular “Guida al consumo critico” (A guide to ethical consumerism, EMI), “Sobrietà” (Sobriety) and “Le catene del debito” (Chains of debt, Feltrinelli).