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  1. Schedule daily
  2. Fringe activities
  3. Menù
  4. Authors & Artists
  5. Showcooking
  6. Kids Workshop
Partner VEG-BAG
  • http://www.ecor.it
  • www.naturasi.com
  • www.cuorebio.it
  • www.baulevolante.it
  • www.cerealterra.it
  • www.sojade.fr
Altri Partner
  • www.alibio.it
  • www.sdag.it

Schedule daily

The Vegetarian Festival will be held in Gorizia, in Piazza della Vittoria, from Friday, August 30 to Sunday, September 1, 2013.

You will have the chance to:
MEET FAMOUS PEOPLE: writers, artists and experts who embrace the VEG way-of-life.
TASTE BIO- VEGETARIAN AND VEGAN FOOD and enjoy its flavors in various gastronomic stalls with a special menu.
ATTEND SOME SHOWCOOKINGS to discover the chefs’ secrets.
BUY YOUR VEG-BAG full of organic products at a very special price.
STROLL THROUGH THE MARKET AND EXHIBITION AREA and buy organic, genuine and original products.
ENTERTAINING CHILDREN with edutainment art workshops.

Cultural events are all free entrance, and will take place in any weather condition.
The program may change: come back to these pages to always have the latest version.

Venerdì 4 luglio

Interventi di: Massimo Santinelli | Alessandro Pilo | Marco Bisiach | Liubina Debeni Soravito | Paola Sapunzachi | Francesco Portelli | Roberta Cumin | Sonia Kucler | Luciana Boschin | Alfredo Altobelli | Valerio Pocar | Leonardo Caffo | Paolo Fedrigo | Nicola Skert | Diego Cenetiempo | Nicolò Carni

... more

Sabato 5 luglio

Interventi di: Luigi Di Dato | Claudio Meninno | Stefano Valenti | Paolo Polli | Roberto Bassanese | Giulio Salateo | Emanuela Uccello | Paolo Carnemolla | Flavio Paoletti | Fabio Del Bravo | Luca Mercalli | Roberto Pinton | Gaia Viola | Antonietta Benedetti | Kristina Kalister | Grazia Cacciola | M

... more

Domenica 6 luglio

Interventi di: Luigi Di Dato | Claudio Meninno | Stefano Valenti | Riccardo Trespidi | Eugenio Fogli | Edoardo Valentini | Becco di Rame | Alberto Briganti | Roberto Covaz | Marco Bianchi | Riciclato Circo Musicale | Raffaella Tolicetti | Andrea Segré | Maurizio Pessato | Rufino Clown Show | Alessan

... more

organizzato da: promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Event Green
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310