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According to article 13. of the legislative decree n. 196/2003- "Legislative code with regard to personal data protection" - all registered actors and/or participants to the on-line web services of the 4th Vegetarian festival on www.festivalvegetariano.it are warned that all the data inserted during the registration will be saved in a suitable data bank. This data bank is ruled according to the "Code with regard to personal data protection" (Legislative decree 19672003) and managed by the Organiser of the Vegetarian Festival, the no-profit association Eventgreen, via dei Vegetariani 2 34170 Gorizia. The Organiser is responsible for their protection. 
According to the envisaged legislative decree; this treatment will be carried out according to principles of transparency, fairness and protection of your privacy and your rights.
According to articles 7 and 13 of the legislative decree we would like to give you the following instructions:
1. Your data will be treated for following purposes: to send information and advertisement material.
2. Data will be treated with IT tools as well as on paper supports and every suitable support according to the minimum security measures of the Technical Disciplinary about the minimum safety measures. Attachment B of the Unique Text on Privacy.

3. Your required personal data are divided into two categories: obligatory and optional, as described in the registration procedure and activation of the offered services. The registration of obligatory data and their treatment for the said purposes are meant only for the said services. The possible refuse to give these data could cause a lacking or partial performance of all said activities without any responsibility for the Organisation.

4. You can communicate these data to third parties according to the said law.
5. Associazione Eventgreen - via dei Vegetariani 2 34170 Gorizia- is entitled to treat your personal data.
6. You are always entitled to exercise your rights towards the entitled part according to article 7 of the Unique Text 196/2003.
7. The person responsible for the data treatment is Massimo Santinelli as a legal representative of Associazione Eventgreen - via dei Vegetariani 2 - Gorizia.
8. According to the said personal data treatment, you are entitled to the rights according to article 7 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003 in particular - according to this article- you can:
a) receive information about your data
b) receive the updating, changing or the integration - if needed- of your data;
c) receive the cancellation, the anonymous change or the block of your violated data;
d) obtain a confirmation that all data sources, purposes and treatments are disclosed - with regard also to their content- to those whom your data have been given or communicated- except if this confirmation was impossible or it implies a greater use of means than the real importance of the protected right;
e) You have the right to be fully or partially - for legitimate reasons- against the treatment of your personal data relevant to the purpose;
f ) You have the right to be fully or partially - for legitimate reasons- against the treatment of your personal data for advertisement purposes or direct purchase or to perform market researched or trading communication.
If you want to wield your rights according to article 7 Unique text for Personal data Protection, you have to send an email to info@festivalvegetariano.it.

organizzato da: promoted by: with the patronage of: in cooperation with:
Event Green
Biolab Via dei Vegetariani 2
Gorizia Italia P.IVA IT 00461070310